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Certificated Weapons License Course (Germany)

For Security Personal

We are a state-approved Weapons-Licence-course instructor team and board of examiners.
In theory lessons the German Weapons Law, By Laws, safety rules, effectives, ballistics and Ammunition will be teached.
In the practical part the students learn the use of weapons. Security- check, loading, shooting, reloading, stances and techniques.In the final part the examination will end the course.
right after passing the written examination the practical part follows.

Weapons and shooting training

For beginners and Professionals

The training is focused on each level of the students.
An optimized Training

· Pistol
· Revolver
· Sub-machine-gun
· Assault Rifle
· Sniper-Rifle

Drivers Training

Modular drive training for security personal

For the safe drive with normal and armored cars. The training includes practical driving and tactical scenarios.

The driving techniques are focused for national close protection and international High Risk operations.

Hand to Hand Defensive

Real live proven

The System is called Defensive Tactics and the standard system of her Majesty British Police, US- Police departments and some European Departments and Security companies.

Monadnok PR 24 Tonfa

In use with the Police and private security companies, the original Monadnok PR 24 is a very effective prevention- Tool on your belt since more than 30 years. In the Basic course you learn the standard- terms of the handle and using.

The international training- methods will show the student the best techniques in self- defense.

Self protection

In the first contact with a counterpart self protection is most important action. Techniques, psychological tricks, and tools will be shown, explained and trained

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