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Close Protection

We provide professional close protection national and international even High-Risk Protection.
From planning, over mission to the review you get the optimal service.
Our personal are expierienced in close protection, serving in military and police SOF. This is our advantage for working on every Continent to protect single person, groups or Companys even in High Risk scenarios with the best possible security.
Cause off our flexibility we can react on every mission, especially on changing sittuations and needs.


We provide analyses and security- concepts to protect your personal and physical assets national or international. This will make sure: Your company is allways running.


With a focused organisation a professionel and discrete job your event will be in good hands and a succsess. About our expierince we are the best adress for you.


Searching for evidances and informations is a very important in these times of the global industrial crime. We work discrete and zuverlässig.

Delcon K9 - Unite

One of our speciality is K9. They are a very good in preventiv- and a great support in security-jobs, e.g. drug- and IED detection or guarding. Our dogs and leaders are trained in international standarts

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